Monday, February 19, 2007

The Gainesville Hold'em

A fortnight ago....i was under an impression that POKER.. was a gambler's alley...little did I know that 2 weeks later I would be playing POKER continuously for 12 hrs in the weekend...Motivation does not come to by itself... someone drags it into my brain and then I carry it over.Here the frontiers were Ravi n Tapas, especially Ravi.. a person who believes that he should win whenever he plays any game...thats what is the best in him...A Saturday night we were at walmart just to buy a set of Poker chips..I was sure that the $7 that were spent on those would go down the drain...Me Tapas and Ravi started to play at 10PM and in an hour I was aware of terms like Straight Flush,straight, three of a kind, flush, pair,flop,fold and what the due course of time I was entitled as a Straight king.... with me winning 4 games only with straights... which is actually a rarity ala Casino Royale...
The weekend gone by has been the 3rd consecutive one... where my relationship with the poker chips still remains intact..and am pretty happy about it. I have added the Texas Hold'em gadget in my google desktop and I play whenever ... am free...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

RTS Route No.16

When people outside Gainesville read the title ..they would have their eyebrows raised as to on what a silly thing a paragraph has been written. But then ask the same question to people who reside on the SW 16th Avenue .. they would tell what this means to them.. it means more than a way to commute ... it is analogous to the trains in Mumbai in the aspect of timing and amazing comfort when one compares to those back in Hyd, Chennai and Bangalore.
My association to these Six Wheel Angels was way back when I was 6 yrs old.The school Bus, Route no.49M ,10K,190,113E have been the ones on which I had traveled so far.These have been my friends n mates all along my travel but then the 16 SugarHill-Shaands stands out.
There is never a day gone past when I have not witnessed something strange associated with this bus.A guy running from Sunbay to the Bus stop just to attend his 8:30AM class,a person getting drenched at Shaands and cursing the almighty for the downpour, a couple of friends at the UPD betting for the bus to be 16, a guy going to a career fair on the 8:45 Bus as a good omen.
The bus is the best place to meet buddies n make acquaintance.The best thing about the RTS buses were the facility of a Hydraulic press for the physically disabled and the patience shown by the drivers towards them deserves accolades.It is only a month over and the glorification of the silly bus looks starnge.. but it means a lot, as on a public holiday people are forced indoors as RTS services remains closed .. this itself shows RTS (16)being the sole Carrier for guys at SW 16th Avenue in Gainesville.Only 4 hours remain before i have to catch the 8:30AM bus...Good Night...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Eating...Has it Taken a Back Seat?

Even a month ago, I would not have even thought of this topic to write on..My buddies always associate me to something big ,not because I was doing something great in life but due to my rotundity which I possess from long time now.There was a seldom a time in the last 6 years that I have not taken the availability of FOOD for granted.Even my mother was not worried of feeding her child as she knew that her son would find his way out in a supreme manner everyday.There have been days n months when my mother's cuisine has not got its due and the ignorance which it has to bear from both the kids... is actually annoying.Here in Gainesville the fight for food started from the Day1 onwards when I had to eat a Veggie Deli ght for dinner(Coutesy: Tapas).The next day saw a new chapter in my life which I thought I had surpassed successfully:The MILKY Way.It was after 9 years that I was going to have a bowl of Milk along with cereals for Breakfast and little did I know that this meal would become my mate every morning.
The concept of Lunch has not been considered strongly since then.Here I need to mention about people in Apt#356(Raman,Aashish,Teja, Kumar n Tapas) ,it is due to their pappu n sambar that the roundness is still intact.The burgers at Checkers,Arbys,Mcdonalds were only a passing phase and I had to return sometime to what is called a staple diet.Egg n Bread I believe are the best friends of desis living across this country.My roomie Sandeep is actually a very good cook but it really takes motivation for someone to spend an hour to cook and again half an hour to clean the mess.I have been treated with amazing Chicken, mutter paneer, Tuna fish at dinner.. but I do not really crave for a good meal.Surprizing as it is...Eating is has really taken a back seat in this period of life...Missing mom's food..........

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cricket at the Santa FE Community College

Sunday morning and my friend Tapas calls me up for a game of Cricket(Yes.. Cricket in Gainesville),I had pending tasks to complete ..but then he told me this would be a good outing.The match was going to be played at the ground of the Santa FE College ,which was at a 20 minutes drive. I was surprised to see a lush green outfield .. with a number of Indians practicing with complete dedication and to my surprise all of them were at least 30 yrs old...
We had to field first..I had donned the wicket keeping gloves for the first time after 6 six yrs and was mighty pleased to do so... I was a bit short in my reflexes which was easily evident,but that was well enough as the bowling lacked speed.We went in to bat with 50 runs to get in the alloted 10 overs with me and Ajay opening the batting.I was padded up and took a trial run to make sure that I could manage to run.A single from Ajay brought me to bat. A nudge to third man got me a couple.The next delivery was the one which produced what I believe the Best Technical shot of the Day ,the Cut.. which was always my best shot, as soon I hit it, I really felt happy about myself. By the end of the 2nd over we were 13 for no loss.It was my turn to face the bowling and as always what people close to me expected was a bit of patience which vaporized when I saw a full toss being bowled at me... My eyes lit up and I went for the drive which was never there and the next second what I heard was the sound of timber.The long walk back to the pavilion started with me contributing 5 runs to the team's total.It has been a day since I got out to a full toss and I still cannot believe what happened.